General Tarot Reading for Virgo – August 2022

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  • Angela.m.doyle
  • 31 July, 2022

Virgo, after a time of feeling as though you weren’t being heard or of a project not moving forward in the way you had hoped, August finally gets things going. You also seem to be in demand when it comes to people needing advice. It will feel as though everything is happening quickly now and you must move fast to keep on top of everything. There may be a need to undergo training at work or brush up on your education if you are looking for a new job. Finances can improve towards the end of the month, and this could possibly be related to a pay out you have been waiting on. You will also find that people are more than willing to help with a task that you are struggling with. Take care with food as there can be minor digestive issues in the first half of the month.

As well as your Sun Sign, check out the reading for your rising (ascendant) sign. If you don’t know your rising sign, get your free natal report at

(You will need your time of birth to calculate your rising sign)

*Please note that this is a general reading only and may not resonate with everyone. If you would like a more personalized reading, please contact me at  to book an appointment. This post is for entertainment purposes. Any decisions made because of this reading, are the individual’s sole responsibility

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