What will Mercury Retrograde mean for your sign in September 2022

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  • Angela.m.doyle
  • 10 September, 2022

Mercury turns retrograde in Libra on September 9th, moving into Virgo on September 23rd, before resuming direct motion on October 2nd. Libra is the planet of balance and relationships so there will be a focus on these things this month, but it could feel as though you are either not making progress or going over and over things from the past. You may also find it more difficult to get your point across or find that others just don’t seem to understand what you are trying to say. We can all see past relationship issues or exes rear their heads over the next couple of weeks, but we need to be choosy about the things we revisit, not all will be crucial or even worthwhile dealing with. Read on to see how your sign will be affected this month. Remember to check you Sun, Moon & Rising signs.

Aries – for the majority of September, Mercury will be retrograde in Libra in your 7th house of relationships. Mercury is known for causing problems in communication and getting wires crossed. This applies to relationships of all kinds for you this month. There is a greater chance of being misunderstood now, so it is important that you think through anything you have to say and take care to articulate carefully. This couple of weeks will highlight areas that are not working very well for you and will give you opportunity to fix things. Once Mercury moves into Virgo on the 23rd, you will find your focus turning to 6th house matters of health and routine, and you will probably find that there is a definite shake up needed in these areas.

Your Tarot card for further guidance is the 9 of Cups, which indicates that despite this being a challenging time relationship wise, if you can remain calm and patient, as well as direct yet gentle in your communications, you will reap the rewards at the end of this transit and once this retrograde period is over, you will see that your relationships are headed in a direction much more to your liking. Midway through this transit, you could find that you are feeling chaotic and disorganised in your daily life and this card encourages you to implement new routines that suit you better and to make lifestyle changes, particularly towards self care, all of which will lead to a healthier, happier you.

Taurus – this transit is taking place in your 6th house of health and daily routines. You will find yourself looking at how to streamline your life as well as possibly implementing new health routines. Any imbalances in these areas will become screamingly obvious to you now and if there are any underlying health issues that you have been ignoring, they will come to the forefront in such a way that you will have no choice but to deal with them. You will find that any bad habits will be highlighted so that you can work on changing them. Once Mercury enters Virgo on the 23rd, your focus will move to your fifth house of creativity and pleasure. Anything in these areas that makes you feel unfulfilled will be highlighted giving you the chance to work on these things. If you have obligations in this area that are draining you, this is the perfect opportunity to either eliminate them from your life or change things to better suit your own schedule.

Your Tarot card for further guidance is Knight of Swords. He brings the positive message that any effort you put in this month regarding making much needed changes in your life, will pay off in a big way and that once this transit is over, you will see big changes on these fronts. However, he also warns that this is not necessarily going to be easy and will take quite the effort on your part. If you find that there are days you don’t feel you are seeing the progress you want, it is important to keep on going anyhow, for now, realise that you are taking baby steps, but they will ultimately lead to great success.

Gemini – Mercury is your ruling planet, and your sign will be one of the most affected by this transit. It starts off in your 5th house of creativity and pleasure which will likely lead to a slow down in these areas for the time being. If in a relationship, you could begin to feel as though you don’t have enough autonomy, or that you are unable to express yourself properly in this area, as well as feeling stifled in the areas of creativity. This is all happening to give you an idea of what changes you need to make now so that things flow more freely for you in both areas, going forward. From the 23rd, Mercury moves into Virgo and your 4th house of home and family. You could find that past traumas and unhealed wounds become prominent for you now and even if you felt you had previously dealt with them, something remains unsettled. This would be a great time to talk through any remaining issues with the people concerned and get them figured out once and for all. You may also find yourself wanting to ‘clean house now’ both literally and figuratively.

Your Tarot card for further guidance is The Tower. This card reaffirms that there is something (or possibly more than one thing), that you have put off dealing with that would make your life happier and healthier, as well as more streamlined. He warns that if you don’t actively change things for yourself, something will come along and change things for you, which will be a much more chaotic process. Whichever way the changes happen, it will ultimately be cathartic and eventually bring a more peaceful and balanced way of living for you, but implementing these changes for yourself, will be a much easier way of doing things.

Cancer – this transit is taking place in your 4th house of home and family until September 23rd. You could find that you are working so much now though that you don’t have anytime to be home and enjoy it. It is likely that chores are piling up that you are unable to deal with, which will leave you frustrated and looking at ways to organise these things better. You could also find that you are thinking back on any childhood traumas now to figure out why you seem to be stuck in certain areas of your life. This is the perfect opportunity to reflect on these matters so that you can start to make forward progress once this transit is over. Once Mercury moves to Virgo on the 23rd, your attention will turn to 3rd house issues and you may find that communication is difficult for you, or that there is a pattern of miscommunication in your closest relationships. It is also possible that an important relationship from the past comes up for examination and provides and opportunity to heal things between you.

Your Tarot card for further guidance is Nine of Wands which indicates that the issues you face this month, have been ongoing battles for some time. However, that is no reason to not make much needed changes and before this transit is over, you will realise that you are already halfway there. You need to be determined to see things through though and there may be days where you feel like giving it all up as a bad job. Although it may feel as though everything is coming at you all at once and challenge after challenge is piling up, you must put on a brave face and deal with them one by one. By October, you will see that you have made great headway.

Leo – Mercury will spend the majority of this retrograde in your 3rd house of communication and old issues in this area, as well as previous conversations will need to be revisited. Some of these may have ended uncomfortably and now is a perfect opportunity to put things on a better footing. You may also find that people you haven’t heard from in quite sometime, suddenly reappear. This could also cause some problems with important documents, so make sure to go over everything with a fine toothcomb so that any errors can be caught and fixed before they cause bigger problems. By the 23rd, your focus will move to 2nd house matters which include finances and possessions. If you have been spending more time chasing money than you have on other important areas of your life, you will find that you will begin to rethink your values and priorities now, as you realise that there is much lacking in other aspects. At the other end of this, you have possibly been too money conscious lately and have been depriving yourself of the odd treat and will now realise that all work and no play, makes no sense and leaves you feeling empty. Working out these issues now, will help you to start turning things around once this transit is over.

Your tarot card for further guidance is Ten of Swords, which indicates that some of the issues you are dealing with this month could produce excessive worry. However, this isn’t productive, and the answer is to make changes in these areas so that you have less to worry about and a more positive attitude to take with you once this transit is over. Remember that everything is temporary and no matter how difficult things seem now, you do have the strength to deal with them and will come out the other side feeling much happier and a lot more balanced.

Virgo – this beginning of this transit is taking place in your 2nd house of Money and stability. The focus will be on your values and what they are aligned with. You may find that you have been putting your energy into things that don’t benefit you now and reflecting on what you really need to increase your feeling of self worth. This transit will also see you taking a good look at your finances and seeing if there are areas you can cut back on, or just finding ways to make your money work better for you. On the 23rd, Mercury moves into your 1st house of self, and you turn more inward, thinking more of the way you present yourself to the world and possibly ruminating on past mistakes. Try not to spend time punishing yourself for past deeds though, this is more a time to reflect and leave these things behind you. If you feel that you haven’t been expressing yourself well to those around you, the end of this transit could see big changes in this area.

Your Tarot card for further guidance is Queen of Pentacles and suggests that you have been putting others wants and needs before your own. She reinforces the message that now is the time to think about you and what you want from your life going forward. That doesn’t mean that you need to dismiss the needs of those around you, but that you need to take care of yourself first. If all your time, energy and money go to everyone else before you, it is time to reprioritize. She also wants you to know that any financial issues you have been dealing with do have a practical solution and by the end of this transit, you will be well on your way to solving them.

Libra – Mercury begins this retrograde period in your 1st house of Self. You will be reflecting on who you really are, the real you, as opposed to who you are around other people. As your sign rules relationships, it may suddenly become glaringly obvious to you that you don’t show your true self very often as you have a tendency to be who other people need you to be. Relationships that don’t serve you in the best way, will also be highlighted now and the opportunity is there to either change things or possibly eliminate them altogether. From the 23rd Mercury moves into Virgo and your 12th house, switching your focus to more spiritual things as well as healing. You will become even more introspective at this time and will probably be feeling things quite intensely. This could feel like a lonely time for you, but it is necessary for you to reflect on your life, what you want from it and to find ways to put it all into practice. You may also find that you have some very vivid dreams during these few days.

Your Tarot card for further guidance is Ten of Cups, which brings your attention to the fact that peace and harmony are there for the taking. However, you must use this time to focus on how to put yourself first, at least sometimes, instead of always prioritising those around you. People will still love you if you show them the real you and you will be a far happier and more positive person if you focus on yourself occasionally. Doing so isn’t selfish and doesn’t indicate that you are neglecting others. The Ten of Cups denotes much positivity for the future, use this time to decide exactly how you would like the future to play out.

Scorpio – this transit starts off in your 12th house of the unconscious and hidden, as well as Spirituality. You will probably be feeling quite introverted for this period of time and may even face some of your inner demons. Dreams and emotions will likely be quite intense and possibly uncomfortable. If you have unresolved emotional matters, now is the time to attend to them. Pay attention to your dreams as they may have hidden messages that will help you deal with any heaviness in your emotional life and help you to grow. On September 23rd, Mercury moves into your 11th house of friendships and social networking. If there have been problems in this area, they will become more intrusive and intense now, as a way of helping your sort the wheat from the chaff, even though you may not actually be able to do anything concrete until this transit is over. If there is any old business in this area, now is the time to attend to it and get it out of the way.

Your Tarot card for further guidance is Two of Pentacles which reinforces the need to go inward now. This is a prime opportunity to manage your time more wisely going forward and to perhaps eliminate situations that don’t serve or benefit you. If you have been busy with other people instead of taking time out to work on your own life, this card tells you that now you must take a break and focus on more on your emotional and spiritual health. As Mercury moves into your friendship zone, you will find that you become aware of where you have been juggling other issues and begin to change your priorities to lead a more healthy and balanced life.

Sagittarius – Mercury starts this retrograde in your 11th house of socialising and networking. It may feel as though everything in these areas is stalled and as though you can make no forward movement, making this the perfect time to rethink your strategies. You may discover that the people concerned are simply not be aligned with you and that it is time for a rethink. This could mean some friendships coming to an end now and result in your finding people more on your wavelength. As Mercury moves into Virgo and your 10th house on September 23rd, you will find your attention switching to your career. There may be projects which need to be revised or completely redone at this time. Alternatively, you could come to the realisation that your job is not what you want it to be and decide that you need a new and completely different one, or perhaps a job you have been doing for a long time, is coming to an end somehow and you will be reflecting on long term goals while looking for something new.

Your Tarot card for further guidance is Four of Pentacles and suggests that there are things in your life that you have been holding onto for far too long. At the beginning of this transit, this pertains more to people and seems that if this is the case, it is due to a false sense of security, or else perhaps someone has been possessively holding on to you as a form of control and you are only just beginning to recognise it. Take the opportunity of this time to begin to move away from these situations, or at the very least, create new boundaries, so that the end of this transit brings you to a happier and healthier position. As Mercury moves into Virgo, it may suddenly become obvious to you that you have been working in your current position due to the financial stability, rather than because your job makes you happy and fulfilled. Bear in mind that if this is the case, you have likely been obstructing yourself so that new opportunities haven’t been able to make their way towards you.

Capricorn – this transit begins in your 10th House, and you could find that there are crisis popping up all over the place at work that you need to deal with immediately. Despite all the chaos, keeping your cool as you make your way through everything, will be of huge benefit at the end of this transit, as it will bring your recognition as someone who can be relied on. If you are pursuing something new in your career, you could find that things stall temporarily now, but this gives you the opportunity to make sure you have all your ducks in a row and to reflect on how you may have dealt with a similar situation in the past. It is possible that this setback has you seeing what you really want and that it could be slightly different to your original plan. As Mercury moves into Virgo and your 9th house of higher learning and adventure on the 23rd, your focus will shift. You may find yourself going back to a previous interest or philosophy, particularly if you are facing a crisis in these areas. It seems that you will be looking for familiarity rather than new things for now and if you have a project that you abandoned at some point, now would be a great time to restart it, as it will gain momentum quickly. You may also remember some little nugget that you had pushed to the back of your mind and use it to move forward with your life once this transit is complete.

Your Tarot card for further guidance is Nine of Wands and comes with the message that even if you are exhausted, dealing with one thing after another, you are resilient and have the strength to push through. Everything that is happening this month is to remind you that you have dealt with similar problems in the past and you did so quite well. This is a test of your resilience and perseverance and each obstacle in your way is making your stronger and proving that to you. As the month moves on, you are encouraged to keep pushing forward amid your newly emerging hopes and dreams, even if others oppose you. Don’t let the opinion of other people make you doubt what you want or make you feel insecure about reaching for the sky, especially as there are plenty of other people in your life who are genuinely happy to support you in your goals.

Aquarius – This transit begins in your 9th house of learning, travel, and spirituality. You could find yourself rethinking some of your beliefs and philosophies now and could feel a little lost as you explore alternatives. You will be feeling as though you are being pushed out of your comfort zone and although it would be better to wait until the end of this transit before you do anything concrete, this is beneficial for you as you seem to have been holding on to ideas that really don’t serve you or the people you interact with very well. Once Mercury moves into your 8th house on September 23rd, the focus will turn to your emotional bonds and the way you deal with intimacy. You will be forced to look at how this possibly challenges your sense of security and if you tend to only do what makes you comfortable as opposed to forging deeper relationships, you may find this causing issues now. It is also possible that you are looking back on one or more painful experiences from your past now and finally processing any emotions that you left undealt with at that time.

You Tarot card for further guidance is the King of Cups who represents maturity and wisdom but is also all about emotions. He advises you to show compassion both to yourself and others during this transit and suggest that you will be much more aware of the emotions and feelings of others than you usually are. Contrary to belief, this awareness doesn’t show weakness, but strength and confidence. You will also start to see now, how your own actions affect those around you and this will help you to show understanding and act accordingly. There may be times this month that you feel overwhelmed and/or face difficult situations and your best course of action is to pause and think carefully before reacting, instead of losing your temper and potentially creating more difficulties for all concerned. As the month goes on, you should find yourself feeling more connected to the important people in your life than you have previously. This will lead to you feeling happier and more relaxed both in yourself and in your relationships.

Pisces – Mercury begins the transit in your 8th house of rebirth and regeneration as well as other people’s money. This can be a time of trying to settle your debts or looking at the finer details of any investments you have. If you have been spending like crazy lately, now is a good time to look at how you can cut back and possibly start to save. Alternatively, there is a situation in your life that you feel is holding you back and you now look at ways to let that go and find something better. If you have stayed in something for far longer than you know is good for you, you may struggle with the reasons you have done that, but it is pointless wasting time beating yourself up when you know that moving on is the right thing to do. As Mercury moves to Virgo on the 23rd and into your 7th house of relationships, someone from the past could pop up. It looks as though there is unfinished business with this person and facing it now will help you to understand better, any relationships you have had in the past. In turn this will help you know what you really want and to push towards it once this transit is over.

Your Tarot card for further guidance is The Fool who represents new beginnings. The purpose of this Mercury transit is to get you to deal with any outstanding problems or situations that are holding you back from the fulfilling life you really want. You will see some things come to an end now, to make room for the new things coming in for you soon. You are entering a new phase in your life even though you may not know what that involves yet. The Universe wants you to move forward without all the baggage you have been carrying around regarding your finances and relationships, it wants you to move freely towards your potential knowing that you have its protection. You have new lessons to learn now.