The Planetary Positions

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The Planetary Positions

The Planetary positions affect all of the Signs of the Zodiac. Each of the Planets has a unique trait, Mars for example is well known to be associated with War. Each of the Signs of the Zodiac is ruled by a particular Planet and those born under that sign will exhibit the traits of that Planet.

The Inner Planets move very quickly and affect our daily routine, while the Outer Planets move much more slowly through the Signs of the Zodiac and these affect long term aspects of our lives.

The distance between these planets is important since each has its own particular trait, the closer one is to Mars the more effect Mars will have on that particular Sign. The planetary positions therefore are very important to Astrologers.

There are several different methods which are used by Astrologers to interpret Horoscopes, for much more detailed information please visit our Astrology page where this is explained in depth.

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